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134 results
1. The American journal of sociology [1895 - ]
- Green Library : Current periodicals : (no call number)
- SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : HM1 .A7 V.25 1920:JUL.-1921:MAY
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : In process : HM1 .A7 V.25 1920:JUL.-1921:MAY
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .A7 V.120 2014:JUL.-SEP
2. The American journal of economics and sociology [1941 - ]
- Green Library : Current periodicals : (no call number)
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : H1 .A48 V.73 2014:JAN.-NOV
3. The American journal of evaluation [digital]. [1998 - ]
- Medical Library (Lane) : Check Lane Library catalog for status : HIGHWIRE
4. Latin american journal of economics [2011 - ]
- Green Library : Current periodicals : (no call number)
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HB1 .C92 V.51 2014
5. Sociology of sport journal [1984 - ]
- Green Library : Current periodicals : (no call number)
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : GV706.5 .S654 V.31 2014
6. The journal of educational sociology [electronic resource]. [1927 - 1963]
7. The Kansas journal of sociology [1964 - 1975]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .K3 V.10:NO.1,2-V.11:NO.1 1974-1975
8. Contemporary sociology [1972 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .C65 V.38 2009:JAN.-NOV
9. Rural sociology; devoted to scientific study of rural life [1936 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HT401 .R8 V.74 2009
10. Mid-American review of sociology [1976 - 1996]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .M45 V.17-19 1993-1996
11. Sociology of education [1927 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 370.5 .J836 V.82 2009
13. American educational research journal [1964 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Request for use in Green Library : 370.5 .A5411 V.42 2005
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 370.5 .A5411 V.47 2010
14. Journal of American Indian education [1961 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 370.5 .J80 V.47 2008
15. Journal of American Indian education [1961 - ]
- Media & Microtext Center : Ask at Media Microtext desk : MFILM N.S. 10252 : 15
19. American sociological review [print/digital]. [1936 - ]
- Medical Library (Lane) : Check Lane Library catalog for status : JSTOR
20. American sociological review [1936 - ]
- SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .A75 V.75 2010; FEB.-JUN
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